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Downer is the largest provider of integrated services in New Zealand and employs more than 10,000 people from Kaitaia to Invercargill.
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Digital Engineering
Combining digital insights and innovations with proven engineering expertise, we bring industry-leading technologies to successfully deliver tomorrow’s infrastructure solutions today.
Downer has over 20 digital engineering specialists across the country supporting our customers and project teams to digitise and transform infrastructure delivery.
Our vast array of digital tools and digital engineering use cases is changing the way we deliver projects.
- Cost reconciliation: Improve estimate accuracy and provide progress reports for client and subcontractor cost reconciliation by extracting data from 3D models and analysing this in business intelligence and GIS dashboards.
- 3D coordination and review: Reduce programme and cost risks from design and construction coordination issues by keeping an up-to-date 3D model to solve coordination issues before physical works commence.
- Site analysis: Modelled information in conjunction with GIS tools enables us to collect essential data for site works and planning enabling effective hazard identification and works analysis.
- Construction modelling: Provides certainty of design and construction coordination and accurate construction set out. Major temporary works can be modelled for construction using Revit and Civil3D.
- Asset management: Streamline the collection and handover of asset information and data linked to digital 3D representations of those same assets. (Autodesk BIM360 / Ecodomus).
- Augmented reality: Gives design and construction planning visibility by making models available in an augmented reality platform. This can be used through the consenting / stakeholder consultation process to provide non-technical audiences with easy access and understanding to the planned works.
- Machine avoidance: With 3D avoidance modelling and hydraulic machine lock-out loaded onto moving plant we can significantly increase safety performance and productivity during critical works.
- Reality capture: Using a range of tools including 360 degree cameras, aerial drones, terrestrial 3D laser scanners, and a Leica Pegasus II Ultimate mobile mapper, we are able to efficiently and safely capture both the existing context of our projects, as well as the final as-built state. Combining highly detailed and accurate point cloud and photogrammetric datasets ensures we have all the information we need.
- Sustainability: We use modelled information to encourage more sustainable design techniques, effectively capture and communicated sustainability data and assist with the evaluation of a project to ISCA, Greenstar, or other targets.
We are also firm believers in the benefits that can be gained from the collaboration and cultural changes digital engineering tools can create. Our experience in delivering digital solutions for our customers ensures we understand what’s important to their success. Our ongoing work with customers such as Auckland International Airport, KiwiRail and City Rail Link demonstrates this commitment.
Standards and BIM uses
Downer has representation on the BIM acceleration committee (BAC), industry training froups (BIMinNZ) and local forums (BIMinNZ-Auckland) to support the industry and maintain its currency with regard to current and relevant standards in New Zealand. We track international standards and are able to adapt and or advise on best practice depending on the requirements of a project.
We continue to develop our own standards, methods, and processes in line with the New Zealand BIM handbook and ISO 19650, which reflects best practice methodology both locally and around the world.
Using BIM to optimise construction of City Rail Link projects
A 3D BIM model is being used to track the projected carbon footprint of Auckland’s largest transport project, the City Rail Link (CRL), in an Australian and New Zealand first. Downer’s digital engineering team is working closely with CRL, designers, construction teams and MEP subcontractors to produce a LOD 400 Construction BIM model to optimise construction planning and execution. As the design progresses, the BIM model is updated, and monthly take-offs produced with data on material quantities used by each of the design packages. These quantities are then converted into a carbon footprint by the Sustainability team and compared against the reference design. An additional opportunity afforded by BIM is 4D modelling, including time as the fourth dimension to visualise the various stages of construction and test different sequencing to identify efficiencies in time, materials, and energy.
Creating new, collaborative real-time digital processes on Wiri to Quay park
Downer is using digital tools to create, capture, and integrate data on a highly congested piece of rail network in Auckland. Our digital engineering team is using digital tools such as Revizto to coordinate with the design team and BIM 360 to collect asset data and enable informed whole-of-life decision-making. Digital forms and permits are being utilised and through the use of mobile tablets, the latest information is accessible to teams anytime, anywhere allowing better information capture to enhance safety and quality performance.
Transforming New Zealand's rail network with technology
Trentham to Upper Hutt (T2UH) is part of the $300M Wellington Metro Upgrade Programme (WMUP), a long-term programme of rail renewal works being delivered by KiwiRail and Metlink. It is KiwiRail’s first BIM enabled project and part of a wider BIM pilot to support KiwiRail's focus on digital connectivity and innovation. Understand more about how collaboration led to innovation on this project.
You can also check out this case study by the Construction Sector Accord detailing how we were able to help reduce construction risks and improve productivity, working with KiwiRail & Aurecon.