• Anyone digging with machinery in public road reserve, parks, domains or private property.
  • Underground services are present almost everywhere.
  • Damaging them can cause great disruption to utility services and repair can be costly and time consuming to the Excavator.
  • Not always. Many services have bends, loops, offsets and laterals. The depth of services can also vary greatly.
  • We source plans of the underground services.
  • We locate the services using electronic equipment.
  • We mark the location of the services on the surface of the ground.
  • If required, we will record the position of the services on the appropriate drawings. (Additional costs apply)
  • The location of underground services on any site needs to be carefully considered during the planning stages of every project, and should be costed in as part of the project. The time and effort spent avoiding just one instance of damage could save contractors thousands of dollars, and avoid isolating possibly thousands of people from access to vital services.
  • Call us on 0800 425 622
  • Use our online Location Request Form