About us
About us
Downer is the largest provider of integrated services in New Zealand and employs more than 10,000 people from Kaitaia to Invercargill.
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What we do
What we do
Downer is a leading provider of integrated services in Australia and New Zealand.
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We understand the importance of having a responsible and forward-thinking approach to sustainability.
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People and careers
Our people are at the heart of everything we do.
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Downer has over 120 sites across New Zealand with our head office based in Auckland.
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Operations and maintenance
Downer’s Water Operations and Maintenance teams operate and maintain three waters networks, treatment and reticulation systems for 15 councils in regions such as the Bay of Plenty, Taupo, Horowhenua, Tasman, Southland, Northland, Auckland and Central Otago.
Our team helps our customers to keep water, waste and stormwater systems operational 24/7 for a quarter of New Zealand’s population.
Our services include:
- Water, wastewater, stormwater reticulation maintenance
- Pump station mechanical and electrical maintenance
- Treatment plant operations and maintenance
- Leak detection, closed circuit television (CCTV), hydro jetting, sump cleaning, Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool (SLRat) acoustic wastewater assessment
- Stormwater network maintenance including tree clearing, channel clearing, inspection work, critical outfall inspection work, stormwater treatment device maintenance
- Reservoir cleaning, mains chlorination and commissioning
- Minor construction including mains renewals, deep excavation, pump replacement, pump station cabinet rebuilds, meter replacement programs, watermain and fire connections.
Downer invests heavily in innovative systems to meet the needs of modern infrastructure asset managers. Strong fiscal management, real-time tracking of network faults and systems integration ensures our customers are provided with a detailed overview of service requests, reactive works, planned maintenance and integrated levels of asset data which supports long-term planning and the implementation of preventative maintenance strategies.